Christian Mackie

I had 6 days in Chicago for a work trip, and I was so terribly ill for 5 of them. Somehow between a few days at work and a few days in a head fog, I managed to shoot three full rolls and captured a few photos that really make me excited. I don't have much experience with street photography in the US outside of New York, so I was very surprised with Chicago's approachability for the camera. There were a few times I locked eyes with a subject and they seemed to stand up straighter or smirk with a shared understanding, as opposed to shifting away or looking confused. 

This series, among everything I've shot within 2023, feels unique in that it is not part of a larger body of work. There's not much chance I'll be back to Chicago in any capacity in the close future. What I have is what I have, and I won't be adding to anything I've had to say within these images, which is very satisfying in this moment when I'm having a difficult time starting or completing anything at all. 

Camera: Leica M6

Film: Kodak Portra 800

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